Emergency medical professionals regularly need access to large costly items that an entire team shares. Oxygen tanks, medical toolkits, and emergency medical devices are all very costly, and improper storage of these items can wreak havoc on already financially strapped organizations.
The UCapIt 12-door supply locker and dispensing system handles large or bulky items that need to be check out and checked back in. We’ve heard from emergency medical professionals from across the nation, the need to have a central access point for all critical medical devices is unanimous across the board. That’s why we developed the locker dispensing system to help medical professionals keep track of expensive tools and equipment, that is easily accessed by those who are trained and qualified to use such devices.
Our CAP 12-Door Equipment Locker Features:
Adjustable Back Panels – Size to fit each compartment for varying product depths.
LED Lighting – High visibility and high efficiency LED lighting option for dimly lighted locations.
Recharging Adapters – Charge and check out radios and other powered equipment.
Ideal for Large Single-Item Vending and Asset Management
There are several other ways that UCapIt CAP 12-Door large item supply locker can help emergency medical professionals. Be sure to look into this company and their unique large item vending machines to see how they can help you.