Why iVendTech?
Increase your bottom line by virtually eliminating shrink while providing convenient, 24/7 self-service access to IT assets and peripherals
Timely availability of IT assets and supplies is one of the biggest burdens on the bandwidth of IT functions. Support professionals are in an unenviable place. They are sought only when something is wrong. If they are unable to address issues immediately, it does not just affect them, but the entire business.
iVendTech places the power to address the organization’s need for IT asset and supply management in the hands of the IT Support function. Gathering requests for new assets, ensuring controlled distribution, documentation of distributed assets, and collecting for repair or replacement can all be done easily, thanks to iVendTech.
Downtime, due to the lack of IT and office supplies, can be frustrating for employees. The pressure of looming deadlines while having no visibility to the progress on their request for support can only make it worse. iVendTech IT asset management system provides web and mobile interfaces for all stakeholders to track progress across the entire support cycle.
iVendTech is a comprehensive solution that combines supply dispensers and lockers, inventory management software, customizable visibility to progress and alerts for web or mobile devices. This IT asset and supply management solution makes the entire process of IT hardware disbursal, maintenance and support intelligent and transparent.
Intelligent Benefits
Secure, Comprehensive, Productive
Secure Inventory Management and Control
iVendTech high tech vending machines save costs by reducing shrink from untracked supplies. For example, employees leave their workstations and head to the service desk, item is picked and transaction recorded or in a lot of cases “free issued” with no record. This results in costly, inefficient transactions with inaccurate and unreliable data for reorder or accountability. When attendants are not available at service desks, creative “workarounds” emerge including open store rooms and free-issue bins resulting in uncontrolled and untracked consumption.
24/7 Secure and complete control
All data is encrypted and sent via internet to secure iQ server
Encrypted data transfers
Comprehensive Real Time Reporting
With real time reporting and administrative accountability you will have complete inventory control and understand your inventory position. Our reporting features also include sales data, re-stock lists, visibility of all users and alerts when inventory is low.
Inventory control
Inventory position
Re-stock lists
Complete visibility of users
Increased Productivity
Reduce the amount of time an employee spends in IT departments and on calls finding office supply replacements. By using iVendTech office supply vending machines employees are able to get what they need in a more timely manner, cutting down on an employee’s search time for a new mouse or keyboard; leading to greater employee productivity and convenience.
Operating Benefits of Reduced:
Material/Part/Tool retrieval time and cost
Elimination of stock outs, downtime and delays / Work disruption from supply shortages
Reordering costs
Inventory levels
Automate your IT hardware support process, manage inventory, improve trackability of assets and gather insightful intelligence on asset use, like never before.
You manage your most valuable assets: Your Employees. IDS takes care of the rest.
IDS specializes in equipping organizations across numerous industry sectors with innovative, controlled dispensing solutions in order to maintain efficiency and security 24/7/365.